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Omg I literally just left the theaters and omg it was fucking amazing!

Spider-Man was fucking lit

Bucky and Sam's face after Steve&Sharon kissed at me dying 😂😂😂

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Bucky and Sam's face after Steve&Sharon kissed at me dying 😂😂😂

Omg Bucky is fucking  bae and I love him even more if possible!!!

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Omg Bucky is fucking  bae and I love him even more if possible!!!

I fangirled so much!

I went with my one guy friend who I was trying to see if I have feeling for (which I realized I don't) and it was just awkward.

But anyways ships.

I have new ships!

I have new ships!

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Yup these two. Just omg

And I may or may not ship Steve and Sharon.

I nearly cried when Peggy died because she's bad ass etc etc.

I'm so fucking pissed that Pepper and Tony aren't together like fuck you Pepper, Tony is bae!

I low key shipped Stony but that ship semi-sunk at the end but with a shimmering hope with that letter sort of.

And as always who I fucking ship

And as always who I fucking ship

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Long story short I loved it. 😍

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora