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Tony- You know Tony he just loves to show off especially showing PDA so people know your his. He will always be kissing you and have an arm around you at all times or he is holding your hand, sometimes he'll be grabbing your ass.

Steve- He's kind of shy about it but he will always have an arm around securely on your waist and he will kiss you here and there

Bruce- He is nervous about PDA so you would always make the first move if its holding hands or kissing in public. The only time he would do those things first is if he feels jealous which isn't a lot.

Thor- He didn't know what it was so you explained and he loved the idea of it so when you two are out in public he would always be touching you in some way and would pull you into long passionate kisses which causes you to blush a lot.

Natasha- She loves the idea of it. She'll always have an arm around you at all times and kiss you here and there.

Clint- He hates PDA. He'll have an arm around your shoulders but that's about it. He doesn't like to show weakness.

Loki- like Thor you had to explain it and let's just say he's not very fond of it. The only thing he'd do is hold your hand if you beg him to hold yours.

Bucky- He doesn't like to be the center of attention so he didn't really want to show any PDA but he will if you want to like kiss etc.

Pietro- He always has his hands on you in public to tell guys to back off.

Wanda- You guys will hold hands and kiss here and there.

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