Your Pet

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Tony- You went to the store for food and came back with a baby yorkie, Tony was reluctant at first but came to love the small pup. His name is Prince.

Steve- While on the run Steve found an abandoned yellow lab, so he brought it home and fed it and gave it water. Steve named her Lily.

Bruce- You got four turtles named, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello, Bruce thought it was adorable about how you loved the turtles.

Thor- For Thor's birthday you got him a small white kitten. He loved her so much! He named her Freya.

Natasha- You were watching movies while it was raining. Natasha was out then come back carrying a box filled with kittens claiming that you would want that even though Nat has a soft spot for the kittens. The names are Snowball, Natalie, Midnight, Toby and Rosey.

Clint- He got a bird, it wasn't a surprise though. You hated the bird because it was one of those talking ones and it keeps mimicking you.

Loki- You found a small black kitten so you brought it home because it reminded you of Loki. So you named the cat Loki.

Bucky- You came home to Bucky holding a snake. You locked yourself in your room because of your fears of snakes. Bucky wanted to keep it but you said no. As a back up plan he took the snake back and got a bunny with floppy ears named Bugsy.

Pietro- A grey hound named Aubrey for your 1 year anniversary.

Wanda- You guys went out one day and got two ferrets named Momo and Mimi.

Peter- He got a pet Doberman named Rose.

Scott- You got a lizard named Lizzy for your birthday. Scott didn't like her because she ate his ants.

Wade- You don't have a pet because they always die or run away.

Sam- He got you a  hamster named Haley.

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