Favorite Movie you watch together

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Tony- Inception because Leonardo DiCaprio duhhhh

Steve- Titanic since he doesn't know many movies and you love the movie and he did too once he watched it.

Bruce- Quarantine 2, you didn't really like the movie because it scared you but you got an excuse to cuddle with Bruce.

Thor- Frozen because you love Disney and he didn't know what Disney was so you told him and he wanted to watch a Disney movie so you chose Frozen.

Natasha- The Dark Knight because you guys love to see any movie with Heath Ledger in it.

Clint- Hunger Games because he likes that Katniss uses a bow and arrow and because you love Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth.

Loki- he doesn't like any movies, he is more of a book person but when you beg enough you guys will watch your favorite movie Rock of Ages and it's even better since he hates that they sing in it. But who can resist a Tom Cruise movie?

Bucky- What happens in Vegas because  Ashton Kutcher

Pietro- Fast and Furious, must there me a reason?

Wanda- The Notebook 'cause you guys love romance movies and you'll cuddle

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