Final AN

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Hey guys. So as you may know I said that after I'm done the 5 one shots I'm completely done with this book.
Well lately I don't think that's going to happen. I just can't bring myself to fully engage and put effort in this book anymore, so I'm not finishing the last 3 and I'm SO SO SORRYB if you requested one and I didn't do it.

It's not like I'm finished with writing all together it's just this book. So this'll most likely be the last thing I post on here but other then that

Thank you! Thank you readers for reading this book and your votes and comments are much appreciated by me ☺️! I love you guys! 

If you can or want to go check out my other stories ☺️

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora