They're reaction to your death

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Tony- He was in denial, he didn't want to believe and even when he came to realize that he'd distract himself with endless women and making more suits

Steve- He was heartbroken. He barely ate, slept , he didn't do anything. He stayed inside and cried.

Bruce- His temper became 10x worse that he moved far away to a secluded part of the world and became highly depressed.

Thor- He didn't laugh anymore, didn't smile. He couldn't even pick up another Poptart after your passing.

Natasha- She grew cold and distant. Not even Clint could reach out to her as she fell deeper into her mind.

Clint- He became mute. He wouldn't smile or show any emotion for that matter, no matter what people tried nothing worked.

Loki- He killed people and vowed to revenge your death. His temper and tricks worsened.

Bucky- He hit rock bottom. He thought he had before but no. This was something different. This was something nobody could pull him back from. Not even Steve.

Pietro- He died. Well it felt like he did.

Wanda- She became clinically depressed. She didn't care anymore. Pietro couldn't even reach out to her.

Peter- He ran from everyone, so no one knew where he was or how he was.

Scott- He became an alcoholic but tried to keep it in control when he sees his daughter. But other than that he drinks away the pain.

Wade- The anti hero becomes the villain. He kills people to try and forget about you.

Sam- Goes to the bar every night and gets drunk.

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