Why you're giving them the silent treatment

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Tony- He was flirting with everything that walks at his party

Steve- He forgot you birthday

Bruce- He ignored you for 2 weeks for no reason then stared talking again

Thor- He kept leaving back to Asgard without telling you making you worried as hell

Natasha- She ran over your cat with her car

Clint- He was messing with his bow and arrow in the house and broke your picture of a family member who died

Loki- He tried ruling Earth.....again and nearly got you killed in the process

Bucky- He and Steve wanted to play a prank on Tony (which Steve was against) and you got the wrath of it instead

Pietro- He dropped you while running causing you to scrape your leg and arm and you got stitches

Wanda- You allowed her to cut your hair....big mistake

Peter- Gwen kissed him (as he is dressed as SpiderMan)

Scott- He accidentally broke your favorite movie

Wade- He was getting too cocky when you were at the hands of his enemy

Sam- He forgot you're anniversary

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