Contest Time!!!!

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This is my first time doing this so don't judge lol.

Basically what you are going to do is make a one-shot. And it can be one anything you want. Get creative!

But it has to follow my rules.

So the Rules/Guidelines:

•Has to be on one of the Avengers (obviously)

•It has to be at least 500 words; you can do more if you want to

•It can have smut it you want it to have it but it can't be all smut.

•It can have more then one part to it if you so desire.

And it has to be made into a separate book!

It doesn't have to have a cover or a description just the one-shot that's all.

After you've made it you MUST privately message me the title of it so I can read it.
Please don't comment it because I might not get all of it.


1st place winner: A follow, a 5 one-shot's of anything they so desire (including smut) and a shout out

2nd place winner: A follow, 2 one-shots of what they want and a shout out

3rd place winner: A follow and a one-shot plus shout out

I'm sorry if these suck but yea...

Deadline:  June 1st

Hope you decide to join.

And please tell me if your going to do it please!

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora