Clint One-Shot [8]

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Requested by: @CutePuppy1303


You don't usually think before you act and this time was no exception.

You and Clint were paired together to infiltrate a Hydra base along side a handful of agents.

Clint came out of his cover and shot down many Hydra agents down. You were a few feet away hiding behind a tree, shooting down agents. Most of them were down but a selected few. You looked over to Clint and saw he had no more arrows. You also noticed the red dot on him. You dropped you weapon just as the sniper was ready to shoot. Running to Clint you were telling him to move. He looked at you confused. With all of your force you shoved Clint out of the way just as a wave of pain washed over to you.

You fell to the ground as Clint stumbled but didn't fall.

"Y/N!" Clint yelled out.

The sniper was shot down as the Quinjet arrived. Clint came over and picked you up bridal style.

You yelped out from the pain in your abdomen.

Clint looked down at you worriedly as he hurried you to the jet.

He set you down on the table where one of the agents who's also a doctor stitched you up.

The doctor told you that you were going to be fine but Clint didn't know that. After the doctor walked away Clint rushed over to you, taking your hand.

"Hey baby girl." He said softly. Your eyes were closed but you smiled lightly.

"Hi." You said tiredly.

Clint was close to tears as you opened your eyes. But he held them back because he wanted to be strong in front of you.

"How're you feeling?" He asked gently rubbing his thumb on your hand.

"Besides from being shot I'm fantastic!" You say with slight sarcasm. Clint felt guilty.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." He said. "It's my fault." You shook your head.

"It's not Clint. If I didn't push you out of the way you could've died. And I couldn't have that." You told him truthfully.

He chuckled light-heartedly.

"But now look at you." He said looking into your E/C eyes. "I-I can't lose you, I just can't. I-I love you." He confessed his feeling at long last.

Your eyes widened as you lightly gaped at Clint who wasn't looking at you. A blush came over your face.

"I love you too." You said. His head snapped to you.

"You do?" He asked. You nodded smiling. He smiled at you.

"Can I kiss you." You nodded as he did so. You cupped his face. He pulled away some as he held your hand again, your foreheads resting against each other.

"And if you were saying that stuff because you think I was dying I'm not. The doc said I'll be just fine." You told him. His eyes widened and a grin came across his face before smashing his lips onto your again.

Hope you liked it!

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