Your Sick (Part 2)

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Thor- you groan and turn over in bed having another coughing fit. Thor ran into the room.

"Lady Y/N? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm dying." You whined dramatically. Clint  passes the room.

"No your not stop whining." He said before going back to whatever he was doing. Thor sighed in relief.

"Don't scare me like that Lady-" He was cut off by your coughing.

Natasha- Tony had a cold and just so happened to pass it on to you.

"Y/N you okay?" Natasha asked. You groaned in response. You heard her chuckle. She walked out of the room an came back throwing you medicine to talk before cuddling with you the entire day.

Clint- You were both sick. How? Well let's just say you both were on a mission in the Appalachians and both have a fever.

"Babe." Clint whined.

"What?" You whined back.

"Love me." He said pulling you to his chest weakly.

"Ew." You said in disgust because he was sweating. "Your sweating get off!" You said.

"But I'm cold." He said.

"And I'm hot now move." You said pushing him away making him groan and shiver.

Loki- "Darling are you alright?" Loki asked cautiously entering the living room where you were at.

"Oh yes totally." You replied sarcastically before throwing up in the bucket again. Loki's face showed disgust before he disappeared.

An hour later he came back with antibiotics, saltine crackers and ginger ale.

"You smiled at him as you nibbled on the cracker.

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