Peter Parker Catch-up PART 2

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I love you - You screamed as you were pushed off a building by the Green Goblin.

You shut your eyes as you grew closer to the ground until arms wrapped around you.

"Hold on." He said. You knew it was Peter. You did as he said and he took you to somewhere safe. "Are you okay?" He asked you frantically inspecting you for any injuries. You meekly nodded. He sighed in relief and hugged. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too." You responded.

Your Ex- You don't have one because Peter is your first boyfriend.

Your breakup/song- Losing your Memory by Ryan Star
You fell and hit your head making you have amnesia so you didn't remember Peter. When he came to you still in his Spider-Man suit you were scared of him and ended things there.

You make up- You woke up one morning and all your memories of Peter came back to you. You mentally slapped yourself for dumping him. That happened last night. You quickly got dressed and ran down to the living room where you saw Peter asleep on the couch.

"He was worried about you and fell asleep on the couch. He said you didn't remember him." Your mom tells you.

"I remember now." You say walking over to him and laid beside him on the couch. You wrapped your arms around him. "I'm sorry." You mumbled into his chest.

"It's okay I forgive you." He whispered.

Bad Habits-

Yours: Nail biting

His: Leaving his clothes everywhere.

He asks you to move in- He went to your house and asked you. You said yes so he helped you pack.

Favorite place to kiss you- Shoulder

Matching tattoos- Spider-Man symbol.

You got it your forearm and he got it on his bicep.

Drunk Texts-

Peter: BABE!

You: What?

Peter: in spirder man!!!!!

You: Do you mean Spider-Man?

Peter- Ywsh!

Peter- Yes!

Peter- You're hot

You: okay then

You: And thanks.

Peter- come ove mer hose

You: Peter we live together and your downstairs. Plus your drunk. Come to bed.

Peter- my spidy senses r tingling

You: mhm

Who you guys ship together- Clintasha

Cuddles- Your head would rest on his chest with his arms wrapped around your torso and lower back with your leg slung over his.

Dating him includes-

•Upside down kisses
•Playing video games
•Going to the same college
•Butt touching
•piggy back rides
•Chinese food and pizza
•Being saved by Spider-Man
•Kissing Spider-Man

Things they do that annoy you-
Doesn't clean after himself.

He leaves messes everywhere which gets very annoying.

When he's jealous- He tells the guy off which ends up with the two fighting.

Your best friend- Gwen

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