Break up/song

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I'm not good at doing the break up preferences so instead I will do the break up song and a explanation on why u broke up
Tony- Stay with Me by Sam Smith
You feel unloved a lot. He's always busy and you get it like with work and the Avengers etc but whenever he's not doing that he's alway doing something else and whenever you tried to tell him how you felt you guys would argue about it so you left him. And he realized how much of a dick he was to you and he really loved you and he wanted you to stay.

Steve- Missing You by Set it Off
You guys got into a fight and split. He regrets everything he's said as you did.

Bruce- Need you Now by Lady Antebellum
You guys got into an argument and he almost hulked out which terrified him, so he broke up with you to keep you safe from him but it broke your heart and you alway just wanted to call him and tell him everything will be okay. He need you as you needed him.

Thor- Far Away by Nickelback
He was never there, sometimes you thought he forgot about you because he's always in Asgard. You had nothing against it because he wants to see his family but he'd be gone for months without saying anything. You miss him so much. He's just been gone for too long and you thought he moved on so you tried to do the same.

Natasha- Breakeven by The Script
She thought it'd be best for the both of you if you guys broke up. But sometime after she did so she regretted immensely. She was broken without you. Sometimes she would go check up on you and you looked like you were fine and good. But you weren't doing so good either.

Clint- Better in time by Leona Lewis
You guys didn't call it a break up but just a break. Lately he had more missions more then usual and you guys never saw each other so you guys are just waiting for the day he's not as busy as he his now.

Loki- When I was your Man by Bruno Mars
He was gone a lot. He wouldn't tell you where he was or is going and won't say when he's leaving he will just leave and you couldn't take it anymore so you left him. He realized his mistake when he didn't find you at your house or his.

Bucky- Wish you were Here by Avril Lavigne
He feared he would snap and hurt you so he left you. It broke your heart and everywhere you went you saw him.

Pietro- Perfect Two (breakup version)
All you guys do anymore is fight and argue. It always ended with you in tears and him leaving for the night. You guys fought about everything and it just didn't work anymore.

Wanda- One Grain of Sand by Ron Pope
You felt like she was drifting away she has been distant but you don't know why so you started drifting from her because she was.

She felt you were drifting away so she drifted too.

You still love one another but didn't know it was a big misunderstanding and that you both still care.

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora