SPN Quote

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Tony- 'You fudging touch me again I'll fudging kill you.' ~ Dean Winchester

Steve- 'Jerk.' ~ Sam Winchester

Bruce- 'We're all going to hell might as well enjoy the ride.' ~  IDR who said this but yea

Thor- 'I don't understand that reference.' ~ Castiel

Natasha- 'Sic 'em boy!' ~ Crowley

Clint- 'He said shut up to me.' ~ Lucifer

Loki- 'Of course you can't. You didn't say mother may I.' ~ Lucifer

Bucky- 'Ya idgit.' ~ Bobby Singer

Pietro- 'Later bitches.' ~ Charlie Bradbury

Wanda- 'Better late then never.'  ~ Gabriel

Peter- 'Your apple pie better be freaking worth it!' ~ Dean Winchester

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