Wanda One-Shot [5]

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Requested by: LukeAJC

Wanda x Male Reader

H/C = Hair color

You shot up from bed gasping and panting for air. You wiped your short H/C off your face. Swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, you stood up and left the room and to the kitchens.

This was a typical night ever since you got back. On a mission you were captured by HYDRA and they tortured you and tried to make you into the next Winter Soldier but you were rescued before they really got the chance to.

Ever since then you've been having nightmares. No one blames you for being traumatized though. It was a terrible experience.

You sat at the table in the kitchen drinking coffee.

Footsteps were heard coming down the hall. In the dim lighting you could see Wanda your girlfriend.

"What are you doing up?" You asked her sipping your drink.

"I could ask you the same thing." She softly retorted. Sighing heavily you set your mug down and leaned back in your chair as Wanda sat in the chair next to you.

"You had another nightmare?" She asked. You didn't respond. She took your lack of response as a yes. "Perhaps I can help." She stated.

"How?" You asked looking up at her. She lightly smiled before standing up, pushing the chair back.

Wanda held her hand out for you. You took it before standing up. You looked down at her.

"What are you planning?" You asked her as she led you back to your shared bedroom.

You guys laid down facing one another. She placed a gentle hand on your cheek.

"You trust me, yes?"

"Yea." You replied.

"Close your eyes." You complied. You felt yourself falling asleep but instead of being pulled back into your nightmares your at a sunny beach with Wanda next to you.

"What's this?" She smiled at you.

"Coney Island I believe." She replied. "I figured you could have a good dream for once." You smiled down at her and for once the smile was real.

"Thank you." You told her, placing your hands on her waist and pulling her to you. You leaned down and placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She smiled into int wrapping her arms around your neck.

"I love you." You told her. She pecked you on the cheek.

"I know."
Hope this is what you hoped.


Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora