Where they took you for your first date

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Tony- With Tony being Tony he wanted to show off so he took you to a fancy restaurant and had wine afterwards at Stark Towers.

Steve- He being a gentleman he picked you up on his motorcycle and you had a drive around the city and had a picnic under the stars in Central Park in New York.

Bruce- He made you a candle lit dinner at his place and it was very romantic and the food was delicious.

Thor- For your first date he took you to Asgard but before that you had to explain to him what a date was.

Natasha- She wasn't one to do dates but for you she went on one with you.

So she took you to a paintball arena and you guys had a blast!

Clint- He took you laser tagging and many times he cornered you and shot you with the laser.

But to get back at him you would lightly tease him and flirt and when you caught him off guard you acted like you were going to kiss him but shot him and you ran away giggling with him chasing you.

You got kicked out of there for running which sucked but you guys had fun while it lasted.

Loki- Like Thor he took you to Asgard and showed you around the gardens and you were mesmerized by all the different flowers in Asgard that you don't see on Earth.

Bucky- Movie date at his house.

Pietro- He took you to a concert to your favorite band.

You guys had a blast and you kissed him madly afterwards.

Wanda- You and her went to see a movie and ended up with you two making out in the theater.

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