They save you [Part 1]

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Tony- Lets just say you had one too many to drink at one of Tony's parties. It was at his Malibu house and you were standing out on the balcony drunk. He was showing off his suit inside.

You leaned against the rail of the balcony. You decided to climb on it.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Tony asked coming outside. You turn and smiled. He can instantly tell you were drunk but the look on your face.
"Uh, Y/N why don't you come down so I can take you to bed." He said worried.

You shook your head stubbornly and try moving on the rails but slipped forward off of it. You screamed sobering up some as you were darting to the ground. You closed your eyes preparing for impact but you were swooped up back to the balcony by your Knight of shining armor.

You clung to his suit.

"Sorry." You mumbled. His mask moved so you can see his face.

"Let's get you to bed." And he flew you to the bedroom.

Steve- It was early in the morning you and Steve went for a run.

"On your left." Steve said running past you. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile.

A half hour in Steve slowed down to keep up with you.

You tried to run faster then Steve and he found it kinda cute. He sped up more to go a bit faster then you which made you speed up. At this point you are running as fast as you can an it was starting to get hard.

Next thing you know you began tripping on your feet and flew forwards about to smack your face into the concrete when an arm wrapped around you picking you up. You sighed in relief because you know that would have hurt badly if you hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked you holding you bridal style. You nodded and smiled kissing him.

Bruce- You were running from the chitari. You were a part of the Avengers and you were facing Loki's army.

You were hit with their scepter thing and was knocked to the ground. They were about to stab you with it but was thrown back by your boyfriend Bruce who at the moment was Hulk. You smiled at him and he did too.

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