You make them a twitter account Part 1

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I don't even know how I came up with this idea.

User: Ironass69

Info: Genius, billionaire, ex-playboy, philanthropist with a sexy ass girlfriend

Profile Pic: Iron Man selfie

User: Capsicle1945

Info: Star-spangled man with a plan

Profile Pic: Him looking confused when you told him and IPhone isn't a Youphone

User: Nerdalert

Info: I turn green when angry

Profile Pic: Him with his glasses on doing paperwork

User: GodofThunder

Info: I am worthy!

Profile Pic: Thor stuffing Poptarts in his mouth

User: Sexyassassin210

Info: I'm a master assassin with a sexy girlfriend.      *Hacked by Tony Stark*

Profile Pic: Her stretching her flexible legs

User: ReincarnatedKatnissEverdeen

Info: Kaw! Kaw!

Profile Pic: Him shooting an arrow

User: RulerofAsgard

Info: I am a god you mewling quims

Profile Pic: Him reading a book.

Part 1

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