Their Lock screen photo

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Pic of me on the top/side....idk why but yea that's me


Tony- It's not surprise to you that Tony would have himself in his Iron Man suit as his screen saver.

Tony- It's not surprise to you that Tony would have himself in his Iron Man suit as his screen saver

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Steve- It's Steve what do you expect?

Bruce-  Tony hacked into Bruce's phone and changed his lock screen photo

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Bruce- Tony hacked into Bruce's phone and changed his lock screen photo

Thor- He was torn between his hammer or poptart cat as his lockscreen but after awhile he had it set as his hammer

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Thor- He was torn between his hammer or poptart cat as his lockscreen but after awhile he had it set as his hammer

Thor- He was torn between his hammer or poptart cat as his lockscreen but after awhile he had it set as his hammer

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