Natasha One-Shot [21]

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You walked down the hall but leaning against the wall while doing so. You felt very dizzy this morning...more then usually but you were use to it.

"Y/N!" A feminine voice called out. You turned around a smiled weakly at the red headed assassin.

"Hey Nat." You replied. She frowned.

"You don't look so good." She commented. Natasha placed a hand on your forehead. "Damn it Y/N your burning up." She stated.

"I'm fine, really just a bit of a fever that's all." You told her. She gave you a pointed look.

"That's what you said a few days ago and you still have one and it looks like you've gotten skinnier." She pointed out. You sighed before smiling at her.

"Thanks Nat."

"It wasn't a compliment Y/N you need to see a doctor." You shook your head.

"No I'm fine honestly." You assured her.

"Natasha!" You hear Clint call out. You took that as your chance to escape.

You felt guilty, you knew Natasha was trying to help but you were scared to tell her the real reason you've been sick.

The thing is you have Leukemia and it's gotten bad and Natasha doesn't know.

You know she's going to find out eventually but for now you just want to keep it to yourself.

Sorry it's short but I hope u like it!


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