Bucky One-Shot [3]

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Requested by: @mushroompowercat

I have no idea what happens in that one scene so I'm making stuff up

You Y/N L/N were a super soldier. Not only that but you grew up and were best friends with not only Steve Rogers but also Bucky Barnes. You fought side by side like the three musketeers in WW2. Not only that but you were married to the devilishly handsome Bucky Barnes.

You two were in love with one another. And when you thought he died falling off that train long ago you were heart broken. It killed you inside that he died and you blamed yourself for his death despite of Steve saying it wasn't your fault.

But then you and your best friend Steve went in ice and woke up a lot of years later getting introduced to a bunch of new things and joining the Avengers.

6 months later you were attacked by someone known as the Winter Soldier and the whole ideal with SHIELD happened and hydra you found out your husband was alive all this time and he was in fact the Winter Soldier who works for HYDRA.

And one of the worst things of it all was that he didn't remember anything.

But you knew he remembered something on that hellicarrier when he was trying to kill you. You knew he remember something or felt something because why else would he save you?

And ever since then with the help of Steve and Sam you guys have been searching for him.


You and Steve were both in the kitchen drinking a coffee in your apartment.

There was a knock on your door. You set your coffee down and  went to open it. Before you opened it yourself it swung open revealing Sam.

"Sam what is it?" You asked him something.

"I found something."


You and Steve entered what you believe is an abandoned building.

Steve cautiously walks into a room.

"Buck?" Steve asked cautiously. Y/N quietly went him and saw Bucky there sitting on the floor leaning against this metal beam.

Bucky kept quiet but slowly looks up at you and Steve.

"Bucky." You said. "Do you remember me?"

"You used to get mad when I spun you too much when we danced because you'd get dizzy and I'd laugh." Bucky said his voice sounding dry. You smiled slightly.

"Bucky...you need to come with us." Steve told him.


"People are after you Bucky. And they don't plan on taking you alive." You told him. He looked over at you.

Pain, regret and a bit of love showed when he looked at you.

"I hurt a lot of people." He said ashamed looking down. You cautiously walked over to him, crouching down in front of him.

"Please Bucky." You whispered placing your hand out in front of you for him to take. He looked to you to your hand. He hesitantly took your hand with his human one. You stood up, pulling him up with you. You hurt a bang a story or two below.

"Looks like we have company." Steve said.

Hope this is what you wanted!

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