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Tagged by Masters18

•You must post all rules
•You must tag 15 ppl
•You must post 13 facts about yourself
•You must answer the questions given to you and must create 13 more
•You can't say you don't do tags
•Tag backs are allowed
•You must finish it in a week

My facts.

1.) I am 16 years old
2.) I have a bad temper
3.) I love Chinese food
4.) I'm obsessed with Sparkling Ice
5.) I'm a Slytherin on Pottermore
6.) I'm usually chill unless someone pisses me off
7.) I take a piano class in school
8.) I'm weird (but aren't we all?)
9.) I love art
10.) I have a dog name Stitch
11.) I'm protective over my friends
12.) When I first started watching TVD I finished the first 3 seasons in a week
13.) I love singing songs from POTO (I'm weird I know)

Questions I have to answer

1. What celebrity/character do you think you would make a cute couple with?

Character: Bucky
Celebrity: Aaron Taylor-Johnson

2. Best thing that's ever happened to you?

Idk honestly I can't think of any at the moment

3. Favorite tv show

The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, and The Originals

4. What color are your eyes?

Blue. Sometimes it changes its shade of blue

5. Cats or Dogs?


6. Favorite book?

Fallen series by Lauren Kate

7. What physical feature to you love most about yourself?

My eyes.

8. Favorite tv show character? Why?

Lucifer because he like an adorable kitten in my opinion.

9. Teen wolf or The Vampire Diaries/The Originals?


10. Favorite band/singer

Halsey and 21 Pilots + Set it Off

11. Who's your Wattpad best friend?

Honestly I don't have one.

12. Do you have any siblings?

Yes I do. 2 half siblings and 2 step siblings.

13. Salvatore brothers or Mikaelson brothers?

That is an impossible question for me to answer.

My Questions for you

1. Who's your OTP

2. Favorite movie?

3. Favorite SPN Character? Why?

4. If you can have two shows have a cross over which shows would you choose?

5. If you can live in the life of any tv show what would it be?

6. If you can kill any movie character who would it be? Why?

7. Favorite song?

8. StefanxKatherine or StefanxElena?

9. Enzo or Kai?

10. Klaroline or Steroline?

11. Camille or Davina?

12. If you can kill anyone who would it be? Tv wise.

13. Favorite movie series?


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