Loki One-Shot [26]

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You were shoved forward by one of the guards urging you to walk down the hallway. You rolled your eyes as you did so.

Guards surrounded you as they led you through the SHIELD building and to your prison cell.

"Awe come on guys I thought we were better friends then this." You say sarcastically as you were shoved into a cell, the door shutting behind you. You were one of the only prisoners in the room besides from the cell across from yours who held a man in weird clothing a LND long black hair.

You sat in the bench against the glass cage you were put into.

As if the man sensed you staring he whipped around and glared at you.

"What?!" He snapped. You kept your void expression until you smirked.

"Ooh who crapped in your cornflakes princess?" You asked.

"I'm not princess you mewling quim!" He seethed. You laughed which caught the man off guard.

"You're so cute when you're mad." You said chuckling to yourself. The man wanted to kill you right then and there.

How dare you call him cute and a princess for he is a god.

"Do you have any idea of who I am?" He growled.

"It's Loki right?" That caught him by surprise. "Yup it's definitely you it has to be, explains the the whole cosplay look you have going on here." You said gesturing to his outfit.

"Cosplay?" He asked confused. You rolled your eyes.

"Forget it. Any who, I'm Y/N." You introduced yourself. Loki still feeling a bit agitated sat onto  the bench in his cell.

"These cells are made for things as strong as me, how did someone of the like of you get yourself here?" Loki questioned.

"Someone like me? What a girl?" You asked with a scoff. "You know you men need to realize that a woman can do almost anything a man can do the difference between us is that we don't have dicks." You told him. "And I'm in here because I'm part of an organization called HYDRA and I've almost succeeded in killing the head director of SHIELD."

"Impressive." He said with great sarcasm along with slowly clapping his hands.

Rolling your eyes again you stuck up the middle finger at him causing him to laugh at your pettiness.

3 months later

"Damn it who is in charge!" The agent who was interrogating Y/N yelled. Y/N rolled their eyes bored of this conversation already.

It's been 3 months and everyday they've tried getting you to talk but you kept silent.

A crunch was heard as the agent punched Y/N's nose breaking it. Blood gushed down your face.

"Ok that's enough!" Fury commanded stepping into the room. "Take her back."

A guard grabbed your arm and ripped you from the chair and dragged you back to his cell with you cursing him out.

Loki sat there in his cell reading his book when the steel door swung opened. He ignored it until he heard your voice.

"Can you loosen up just for a second?!" You asked as you were shoved into your cell. You fell to the ground as the door closed behind you.

Loki felt his anger rise as you just laid on the ground.

"What did you do to her?!" Loki jumped up and growled at the guard. He smirked when the guard showed fear.

"Loki it's fine." You spoke sitting up. He saw the dry blood on your face and your bruised crooked nose. "It wasn't him." You said when you noticed the murderous look on your face. The guard ran off.

"Are you all right?" He asked you. You nodded.

"I'm fine." You told him sitting on your cot.

"I'll kill them for this."

"You know you can't do that. Especially in here." You commented knocking on the glass. He smirked.

"Oh but my dear I have a plan."

I feel like such a horrible person for not finishing it but I'll let you guys come up with your own scenarios on what happens next.

And I'm sorry this isn't what you wanted YarinMaximoff


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