How they proposed to you

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Tony- He rented out your favorite restaurant for the night so you two were alone playing your favorite songs over your favorite meal and at the end of the night he pulled out a gorgeous ring and popped the question.

Steve- Him being an old fashioned man asked for your father's permission and then took you out for a romantic picnic and on a walk after your shared meal he asked.

Bruce- He set up a candlelit dinner for the two of you and during desert you found the ring on a champagne bottle.

Thor- He asked in the gardens of Asgard.

Natasha- You both aren't big on big dates and fancy things, you both love the simple things so instead taking you guys out to a big fancy restaurant you guys went to a diner where she asked and you loved it.

Clint- He made a trail of roses leading to your shared bedroom for when you come home you walk into your bedroom to see Clint on one knee holding a ring.

Loki- He took you dancing. The place you went to was real fancy so you guys got all dressed up and sometime at the place he took you, you and Loki's song played to which you danced to and afterwards as the spotlight was on the two of you he proposed.

Bucky- It was a normal date night for the two of you and afterwards you guys finish it with a walk through the park. He led you off the trail and through the trees where lanterns were all set up and rose petals that made out the words 'Will you marry me?'

Pietro- Ever seen one of those flashmob proposals? Well that's how it happened when e took you to Disney and danced to Marry You.

Wanda- Who knew Wanda could sing. One time when you were all out at a bar when it was karaoke night she sang 'Can't Help Falling in Love with You.' by Elvis Presley and by the end of the song she pulled out a ring.

Peter- He didn't because you guys are too young

Scott- He screamed it going down a rollercoaster. Odd way to propose yes but you still said yes so why does it matter?

Wade- He asked you after having sex and with a ring pop

Sam- He took you for a drive around and while you two were watching the stars from the hood of his cars he asked.

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