I love you

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I'm surprised I haven't done this one yet. Well until now...

Tony- You guys were celebrating your six months together. You started to drink your wine.

"I love you." Tony said. You choked on your drink and Tony began panicking. "Oh my god I'm sorry!" Tony said when you weren't choking anymore.

"Your a idiot but I love you too." You said. He grinned.

Steve- "I love you." He told you. You softly kisses his lips.

"I love you too." [Sorry I couldn't really think of anything for him]

Bruce- You guys were cuddling together watching a movie. You stared tracing little circles on Bruce's chest.

"I love you." You whispered. You didn't here a response and you grew nervous. You looked up at him and he was smiling.

"I love you too." He said. You grinned and pecked his lips.

Thor- He was showing you around Asgard.

"I love you." Thor said out of no where. You looked at him surprised and he looked shocked himself. He started stuttering and you thought it was cute. You went on your tippy toes and pecked him on the cheek.

"I love you too."

Natasha- You guys just done having 'alone time' with each other. You guys cuddled under the blankets just relaxing.

"I love you Y/N." She whispered. You turned so you could see her face and a small smile appeared on your face.

"You have no idea how long I waited for you to say that." You said kissing her.

Clint- You were doing target practice when he came in.

"Whatcha doin?" He asks. You shot the target.

"Target practice." Was all you said preparing to shoot another one. You felt him right behind you. You readied yourself.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear as you shot it completely missing the target. You turn facing him.

"What?" He smirked.

"I love you." He says wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a long kiss.

Loki- He said this to you before he "died" you cried and slapped the crap out of him when you found out he was alive and told him you loved him.

Bucky- "I love you Bucky be safe." He nodded.

"I will. I love you." He said kissing you before leaving.

Pietro- He ran by and slapped your ass and you cursed at him.

"You love me though." He commented.

"I don't know, do I?"

"I hope so because I love you."

Wanda- You both were walking down the street hand in hand. You spotted a pet shop and acted like a little girl when you saw a puppy. Wanda started laughing.

"This is why I love you." She said. You blushed and said it back.

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora