You make up

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Tony- You entered your apartment and saw it filled with roses of different. Your favorite wine on the table near by with a note attached to it. You opened it and read it.
You turned around and saw Tony standing here. You had no emotion on your face.

"Y/N I....." He trailed off. He cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry. You were right and I was...wrong. I didn't realize how much of a douche I was until I lost the one thing I cared about, you." He said. You felt tears spring to your eyes and you ran over and hugged him. You knew he was telling the truth and that he meant it because Tony  Stark never apologizes.

Steve- He called you over and over until you finally answered.

"What is it Steve?" You ask him. You hear him sigh.

"Y/N I'm sorry. I really am. I love you too much to have us end things over something as stupid as that." You sigh.

"I agree." You mumbled through the phone.

"So will you take me back?" You smile even though he can't see.


Bruce- You couldn't take it anymore. You grabbed your coat and walked to your front door and opened it and saw Bruce standing there. You looked at him surprised.

"I'm-" he started but you cut him off by smashing your lips onto his.

Thor- He felt bad for what he put you through. He marched down to where you were and begged for forgiveness and you cried and argued until you guys kissed and everything was better from then on.

Natasha- You walked down the street alone. It was pouring outside and you were trying to get home. So you decided to take a shortcut down an alley....bad idea.

"What do we have here?" A man said behind you. You quickly turned around and saw two men walking towards you. You turned and ran. You heard footsteps behind you, knowing they were following you m, your tried to run faster but someone grabbed your arm yanking you back. You yelped in surprised. You tried pulling your arm away but to no use. The man who was with the guy who was holding onto your arm was pulled back. A figure punched the guy knocking him out. The figure turned and kicked the guy in his groin making him let me go and he dropped to his knees.

"No one touches my girl." The person growled to the man. You recognized that voice from anywhere.

"Nat?" You ask unsurely. The person turns around and you saw the red hair under her hood. You walked up to her and hugged her. She instantly hugged you back.

"Let's get you back home." She says.

"Can we go to your house? It's closer." She smiled and nodded and the both of you walked back to her house together.

Clint- You guys never really broke up in the first place but just on a break. He hasn't been getting a lot of missions lately well big ones at that so you guys cuddled on the couch watching movies and eating junk food.

Loki- it took a shit load of apologies to get you to at least talk to him. But over time you forgave him and he promised to not go away for too long or anyways without informing you first.

Bucky- Steve told you how Bucky was a mess after he left you. With a bit of persuasion you got Steve to tell you where Bucky was and you went to see him.

You knocked on the door to Bucky's apartment. A few seconds later Bucky opened the door. He looked like a wreck. He had bags under his eyes and extremely pale, his hair was in a messy low pony tail. You didn't look so hot either.

"Y/N?" He says utterly shocked. You smile shyly.

"Hi Bucky." You said.

"What are you doing here?" He asks clearing his throat.

"I miss you." You whisper. You felt tears fall down your face. He had tears in his eyes too. "Bucky I understand why you would leave, but Buck...I know you won't hurt me." You said stepping forward. "I trust you. I know you won't hurt me." You told him as you noticed a tear fell down Bucky's face. You stepped forward and hugged him tightly.
"I love you Bucky." You said starting to cry. He wrapped his normal arm around you then his metal one. He picked you up and closed the door. He carried you to the couch and hugged you.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "And I love you too." He says.

Pietro- The Avengers set you two up to make up and locked you in a room.

You guys ignored each other then argued and yelled at each other then you cried and he apologized and he apologized for everything. You smacked him then forgave him. You guys ended up making out on the couch.

Wanda- You both are friends with Steve and he knew of the situation so he told you two the truth about the other.

When you guys saw each other you two cried and hugged. You two were so scared that you were going to miss each other and were very much relieved that it was a big misunderstanding.

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