They save you [Part 3]

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Bucky- Everything on the hellicarrier  was on self destruct. You watched Steve fall through the glass into the water below. You were holding on for your dear life as you hanged there. A foot or two away Bucky hanging there too. You knew you had to let go but you were afraid. Another explosion went off and you let go.

You screamed as you went down farther and farther.

"Y/N!" You hear Bucky yell. You closed your eyes as you were sucked into the watery abyss. Everything went black.
"Come on Y/N breath!" Bucky yelled. Your eyes snapped opened as you coughed up water. You look at Bucky who's eyes were wide. He grabbed you and pulled you to his chest.

Pietro- You were crossing the street in New York.

You were in the dead center of the road when the light turned green and cars and trucks started going. A motorcycle was coming at your real fast and it didn't look like it was going to stop. There was no where to move for safety. You closed your eyes and you felt wind rush passed you as you were lifted off of the ground and onto the sidewalk.

Pietro was standing right in front of you inspecting you to make sure you were alright. You hugged him and mumbled a thank you into his shoulder.

Wanda-  (I'm sorry I couldn't think of one :/. )

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