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This is them saying it

Tony- "...Don't like the way your looking at me right now."

Steve- "...love you."

Bruce- "...will be in the lab if you need me honey."

Thor- "...want to take you to Asgard."

Natasha- "...want to get out of here."

Clint- "...want to teach you archery."

Loki- "...to sleep darling."

Bucky- "...don't want to lose you...ever."

Pietro- "...didn't see that coming."

Wanda- "...want to go shopping."

Peter- "...think your beautiful."

Scott- "...think your pretty awesome cook."

Wade- "...want you in bed...like right now...seriously though."

Sam- "...am going to kick that Ant's ass when I see him again."

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