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Tony- He loved to cuddle! He would always pull you to his chest and have his arms wrapped around you so your basically caged into his chest. His chin will be on top of your head as your head is against his collarbone.

Steve- When he lays on his chest he'll pull you to him having you rest your head on his chest with his arms protectively wrapped around your torso. And your arms wrapped around him as well and you guys always get pretty comfortable doing that real fast and sleep instantly most of the time.

Bruce- He doesn't like cuddling, fearing he would hurt you. But never less when you guys wake up you will be in each others arms.

Thor- You guys always fight over the bed because he takes up a lot of space 'cause he's a big guy so the solution to that is you will lay on top of him. Your arms wrapped around him and his arms wrapped around you, you never fight over the bed or the blankets again.

Natasha- She loves cuddling. When you guys are getting comfortable for bed she'll always snuggle into you by resting her head on your stomach and have her arms wrapped around you. Another reason she likes doing that because you'll always play with her head.

Clint- You guys like your space in bed so you guys lay opposite from each other facing away from each other. But when either you or him need some comfort he will pull you to him so your back is against his chest and he would wrap his arm around and have his face buried in your hair.

Loki- He absolutely hates cuddling. So what you'll do is just koala him in bed so he can't really do anything about it. We'll be could but chooses not to most of the time. Only when your upset is when he'll cuddle. Plus he's a good cooler in the summer.

Bucky- like Bruce he is afraid to hurt you so he doesn't like to cuddle. But you always assure him that he won't hurt you so when you guys cuddle you are facing each other. Your foreheads are touching, you'll always have his metal arm around you so he can get over his fear and you'll wrap an arm and leg over him.

Pietro- You always have to sleep on your stomach and so does he do he'll just drape and arm around you when you sleep.

Wanda- you'll hold hands and face one another with your legs tangled together

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