Matching tattoo's

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AN: I swear my sisters friend is a pervert -.-

He is 4 years older then her (one year younger then me) and he's doing all these perverted gestures to me when he left today.

I hate him with a passion. He is sooo annoying and with the shit he does drives me up a wall.

Sorry mini rant I guess.

Tony- Key and heart with lock on it.

You guys wanted matching tattoos well somewhat of that. So you got a tattoo of a heart with a lock on it and he has a key to represent that he had the key to your heart.

Steve- His name/your name

He didn't want anything big and he couldn't decide so you guys both have tattoos of each other's names. His name is on your wrist. Your name is on his bicep. And to make it better you wrote your name on his bicep and he wrote his name on your wrist so it was in each others handwriting.

Bruce- Ying yang

He got half and you got half. He had the black with the white dot half and you got the white with the black dot half. He says he's the darkness and the little white dot represents you and vice versa.

ThorMjornlir (is that even how you spell it) and lightning.

He of course got a tattoo of his hammer. He didn't really want anyone else to see it so he got it on his shoulder blade. You got a strike of lightning on your forearm to go along with his whole hammer thing.

Natasha- Mustaches

You guys didn't really want anything big so you both got a little mustache tattoo on your finger so when you put your finger plunder your nose it makes it kinda look like your have a mustache. She thought it was a cute idea

Clint- Bow and Arrow

It should come to no surprise that he came up with the idea. He has a bow on his forearm as you have the arrow on yours. He wanted this because to him it represents that he needs you like how a bow needs an arrow to work it. He needs you like a bow needs its arrow.

Loki- Crowns

Your his queen and he's your king so it's only fitting if you got these tattoos. Yours is on your lower back and his is in the same place.

Bucky- Star

Considering he has that red star on his shoulder you got one on the back of your hand but in blue. After you got it you feared he'd get offended by it but he liked it.

PietroInfinity signs

You got it on your ankle and him on his wrist. To you guys it represent your own little forever.

Wanda- Okay? Okay.

You guys loved tfios. And the 'Okay? Okay.' Became your thing so you guys got a tattoo of it on both of your backs.

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