Ant-Man , Deadpool & Falcon CATCH UP

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Part 1

I'll upload Part 2 as soon as I can!

How you met:

Scott (Antman)- You are a friend of Luis. You met him after he was released from prison.

Wade (Deadpool) - He saved you from getting robbed.

Sam (Falcon)- You were with Cap and Natasha when you went to Sam's house to hide from SHEILD.

They ask you out:

Scott- He got the ants to crawl on a wall forming the words 'Will you go out with me?' You must admit, it was strange with the whole ant thing but you still said yes.

Wade- He was very straight forward and then started making this whole speech as to why you two would be perfect for one another plus cracking dirty jokes.

Sam- It was while you two were up against the Winter Soldier. He for some reason thought it would be a great idea. And he saved you, you said yes.

First Kiss:

Scott- "Scott?" You called out as you walked into Luis' apartment.

You heard a thump behind you. You freeze. A hand was on your shoulder and you were quick to react by turning around and kicking them in their baby makers. Your eyes widened in horror as Scott fell to the ground in his Ant-Man suit.

"Oh my god Scott I'm so sorry!" You quickly said as you went down on your knees, taking off his helmet.

"It's okay." He wheezed. You but your lip to hold back a laugh.

"Is there something I can do?" You asked. He looks up at you.

"Yea there is actually." He responded. Before you could ask what it was his hand made its way behind you and pushing you to him, pressing his lips into yours.

Wade- "You know you want to kiss these sexy lips." Wade said one day as you guys were taking a walk through a park.

You rolled your eyes.

You looked at him and next thing you know he smashed his lips onto yours pushing you against a tree pulling you into a heated make out sessions.

Sam- Sam parked outside your house after one if your dates.

"Tonight's been fun. Thank you." You told him pecking him on the cheek.

"Wait!" Sam said getting out of the car after you. He jogged around so he stood in front of you.

"What is it?" You asked him. He grabbed you by the waist lightly pushing you against the car before his lips gently touched yours.

Where he takes you for a first date:

Scott- He took you to this small little diner for dinner.

Wade- A picnic in front of a lit fireplace surrounded by candles

Sam- Dinner at the restaurant of your choosing.


Yours: My Queen
His: Anty

Yours: Sexy mamacita {I most likely misspelled that}
His: Bub

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