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The majority of these questions ppl have given me want to remain anonymous so here we go.

1. Q:How are you such a good writer?

A: Awe well thank you! And honestly idk, practice?

2.  Q:Are you single?

A: Yes I am but that might change in the near future! 😳😏

3. Q: What's your favorite fanfiction that you wrote?

A: It's either the Joker one or any Marvel fanfic Do You Seek Ana.

4. Q:Favorite YouTuber?

A: Be. Busta

5. Q:How old were you when you started to write?

A: I think maybe 14 I'm not sure

6. Q: Favorite Marvel character?

A: Bucky Barnes!!!

7. Q: How much time are you on wattpad?

A: Everyday. Like I'm on wattpad every time I'm on my phone lol.

8. Q: Do you ever get tired of working on your stories?

A: Yes I do sometimes especially when I have no inspiration in working on it but I still love it and will continue.

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora