They ask you to move in

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Tony- You walked into your apartment and none of your stuff was there. You were afraid you were robbed. You saw a note on the wall that said go to Stark Tower so you did and when the Elevator doors opened Tony stood there with a smile on his face and boxes behind him.

"Is that my stuff?" You ask

"Yup." He said

"Am I moving in?"

"Yup." He said.

Steve- You two were snuggled up at his apartment on the couch. It was getting late and you had to leave.

"I don't wanna leave." You whined into Steves chest. He chuckled and rubbed your back a bit.

"Maybe you don't have to." He said. You looked up at him resting your chin on his chest.

"What are you saying?" You ask.

"I'm saying you should move in with me...if you want." He says shyly at the end. You smiled and kissed him.

"I would like that." You said.

Bruce- You had a head so you made way to Bruce's room and laid down on his comfortable bed.

"I wanna stay here forever." You mumbled into the pillow.

"Then stay." Bruce said surprising you because you didn't know he was there.

"Jesus Bruce you scared me." You said. He chuckled.

"I'm serious though you should move in." He says leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Fine I'll move in but later." You said curling yourself up in his blankets and fell asleep to get rid of the headache.

Thor- You and him were on the couch eating pop tarts. You wanted to ask him to move in with you since he's always over from morning to night.


"Yes lady Y/N?" He asks as he eats his strawberry poptart.

"Well I was wondering if, um." You began to blush. "You will move in with me." You finished your cheeks still tinted a dark pink. He looks at you surprised before smiling. He swallows his poptart and kissed your forehead.

"Yes I will move in, with you." He answers. He smile and pounced on him, hugging him and he just laughed at your antics.

Natasha- "No stay for a bit longer." Nat said coming up behind you wrapping her arms around you. You sigh.

"It's late." You stated.

"So?" She says placing a kiss on your shoulder.

"I have work tomorrow." You slightly whined.

"Then move in with me." She stated. You turn in her arms and kiss her on the lips.

"It's about time you asked." You said. She chuckled. She kissed you on the lips.

Clint- You walked to the target to retrieve the arrows you shot, you grabbed the one from the middle and an arrow swept by your face hitting dead center but also scaring the crap out of you.

You quickly turn and saw Clint. He sheepishly smiled and pointed to the arrow. That's when you saw a piece of paper on it. You took the paper and read it.

'Will you move in with me?' You smiled and nodded your head. Once he came over you hit his hard chest.

"That's for scaring me." You stated. He just smiled and hugged you.

Loki- "Move in with me." Loki tells you. You look at him surprised.

"Okay." You said. He grins and kisses you.

Bucky- Your rooms were right next to each other in Stark Tower. And you are always over there, it's pretty much like you live there.

Pietro- Pietro hands you a note. You look at him curiously as you open it.

"Move in with me?" You look up at him and smiled a bit.

"Yes." He sighed in relief.

"Good because your stuff is already at my place. It would've been awkward if you said no." You chuckle and peck him on the cheek.

"You missed." He stated grabbing you and kissing you on the lips.

Wanda- You had a dream or a vision of you and Wanda living together and it was great! You two seemed so happy.

"Did you just give me that vision?" You ask her. She smirks.

"I don't know that depends. Is that a yes?" She asked. You smiled and kiss her softly on the lips.

"Yes." You whisper.

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