Voicemail after a fight

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Some are long, some are short

"Hey Y/N yea I know I was a dick and I realize that...now. So do you think you can forgive me and let me back inside? It's cold out here."

"Hey honey, um I just wanted to call and tell you that I'm sorry and that I love you. I was out of line earlier and I shouldn't of gotten mad. Your my best girl after all and I get worried about you. I just hope you can forgive me. I love you."

"Hello? Oh right this is your voice mail." Bruce sighs. "Look about what happened earlier I'm sorry I ran off like that, I just thought...the other guy was going to make a show and well we didn't need that happening so....yea um please call me back so I know that your okay. Uh yea bye."

"Lady Y/N this woman said I must leave you a message so I am. I uh...do not understand. I'm sorry I ate all of your Poptarts but I came and bought you more and I even got your favorite kind. So please unlock the door."

"Y/N answer the phone I'm worried! Look I know you're mad at me but I did what I had to do for the mission. You know I would never intentionally hurt you."

"Babe please I'm sorry. You know I love you and I know you love me so please don't make me sleep on the couch again."

"I still don't understand midguardian technology but the woman said to leave a message so I am. Y/N I love you. You know I do and I know you feel the same way. And yes I know you feel betrayed in a way but I swear my love for you is real. I'd give up the throne of Asgard if given the chance for you. So please darling...."

"Hey doll this has to be what? The 6th voicemail I've left you. I'm worried about ya doll. You know I didn't mean those things earlier right? I was being a little punk and I'm sorry about that, really I am. Without you there is no me. I love ya doll, I'm with you til the end of the line remember?"

"Hello Y/N you still haven't answered any of my calls which I understand. You have every right to be angry with me, I did made you think I was dead and I am sorry about that. It was not necessarily my fault though. But anyways, I am worried about you my Princessa. Please...call me."

"Y/N I must apologize for my behavior towards you. You did not deserve that so please forgive me."

"I know I was dick earlier but please open the window!"

"Hey babe I know I messed up but Luis made it seem like the plan was great and I know your still mad about it.  Hope is coming to bail me out of jail soon and can we talk when I get home? Please? I love you. Bye."

"Hello beautiful, hey I know your mad which is understandable and can you do me a favor...please? Okay just don't answer the door just trust me on that. If it sounds like someone's coming in I left you a present for you in your top drawer I. The left."

"Y/N I don't know how much time I have but I want to tell you goodbye and that I'm sorry. I know you don't want me on this mission but I have to. I hope that you will forgive me when I get back."

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