+Tony Imagine+

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I'm still taking requests.

{Part 2}

You were curled up on the couch at your parents house watching reruns of your favorite tv show. You wiped away the stray tear on your face. It's been two weeks since you left and you were a mess. You had a ton of missed calls and texts from Tony.

You were alone in the house which you were kinda happy about.

Just then you heard the door bell rang. You pull your hoodie on and walked to the door.

'I look like I do drugs' You thought to yourself.

You pull the door open and what you saw surprised you.

"Pepper what are you doing here?" You asked her. She smiled lightly at you.

"It's Tony." She said. You sighed.

"What about him?" You asked slightly irritated.

"He needs you Y/N. And I know about what happened and he's really torn about it. He's a mess! He hasn't spoken to anyone for the past two weeks, he's barely slept and he destroyed the house. He blocked everyone out making sure he receives no calls or anything!" She explains. Your eyes widened in the slightest. "We all know Tony is an idiot for what he did but I assure you he loves you Y/N." A tear slid down your face and you quickly wiped it away.

"Is he still there?" You asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Okay." You said. You grabbed your car keys and basically ran out to your car and got in driving off to you and Tony's place. Well technically his but still.
You walked up to the door and tried opening the door and found it locked.

"I'm sorry but Mr.Stark isn't seeing any visitors today." JARVIS says.

"Jarvis its Y/N let me in." You said and the door unlocked. You opened the door and Pepper wasn't kidding when she said he destroyed the house. There was glass everywhere, broken furniture eye.

"Sir you have company." JARVIS says.

"I thought I said I didn't want to see anyone." He grumbled. You followed the voice to the living room where he was sprawled on the broken couch.

He sat up and you saw the bags and circles under his eyes.

"Y-Y/N?" He said standing up.

"Hi." You mumbled.

"Hi." He said. You slowly walked over to him. He met met you half way. Now standing in front of each other.

"I'm-" you cut him off my smashing your lips onto his. He instantly responded placing his hands on your waist. After a moment you guys pulled apart.

"I forgive you." You whispered.
Not sure if this is what you wanted but oh well.   \_(•.•)_/


Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora