Pietro One-Shot [2]

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Requested by: @walkitoffsoldier

I'm still taking requests from ppl.


You nervously stood in front of the Avengers tower in NY waiting for your older brother Clint. And yes Clint Barton is your brother making you Y/N Barton.

"Y/N?" You turned around and saw your older brother standing there. You went over and hugged him.

"Long time no see Katniss." You teased. He rolled his eyes. He threw an arm around your shoulders and guided you inside.


You began to grow nervous as you were about to meet the Avengers.

The elevator doors opened. Clint was the first to step out dragging you with him. You followed Clint up ahead you saw the Avengers all gathered sitting and chatting away on the couch.

You stood next to your brother.

They all quieted now when they saw Clint standing there.

"Everyone this is my little sister Y/N." They've all said their hello's and such. The last one got up and sped in front of you. You slightly jumped in surprise. Out of the corner of your eye you saw your brother roll his eyes.

"Hello beautiful." He said with a grin. You felt yourself blush which caused him to smirk.

He held his hand out.

"Pietro." He introduced. You took his hand to shake but was surprised when he kissed your knuckles. Clint groaned from beside you as the others laughed.


You've been living in the Avengers tower for quite some time now. You gotten along with all of the avengers and one avenger was really smitten with you.

You were in the kitchen pouring coffee when Pietro came in. He froze when he saw you. He internally sighed. He thought you were the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

"Pietro?" You asked starting to get creeped out considering he's been staring at you for a minute now. He snapped out of it when you spoke. He's realized what happened and the speedster blushed. You lightly chuckle.

"Rough night?" You asked taking a sip of your coffee while leaning against the counter.

"You can say that." Pietro replied with a shrug.

Pietro felt nervous being around you, who can blame him when he has a huge crush on you. Of course you're oblivious to this. The others started to know about Pietro's little crush and often teased him about it.

"Why don't you just ask her out?" His own sister would ask him.

Pietro would love to do that but there was one thing standing in his way....Clint, your big protective older brother who does not like Pietro one bit. Even if they have a love/hate relationship.

Clint, to Pietro's dismay knows of his crush and will do everything in his power to keep you guys from dating.

But it's a good thing Pietro is stubborn.


I hope you like it.


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