Peter Parker catch-up PART 1

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How you met- You met him in sophomore year in high school.

He asks you out- He walked over to your house with a rose and asked you.

First kiss-
"Get off of me!" You yelled at the guy who grabbed you.

"Shut it missy!" He hissed dragging you further into the alley.

"Help!" You yelled.

"Why you little-" the man yelled as he was dragged across the concrete. You saw the webs. The man was dangled upside down unconscious. You sigh in relief.

"Are you alright?" Spider-Man asks as he lowered himself on the web. He was also upside down.

"I am thank you. How can I repay you?" You ask him.

"I can think of something." He mumbled. You step towards him and gently lower the mask so it passes his mouth and lightly kiss him. His hand made it to the back of your head pulling you closer, deepening the kiss.

First Date- He tried being romantic and tried making you dinner. Key word: tried. He burned everything so you guys ordered pizza and cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.

Your/His nickname-

Yours: Princess
His: Spidey

Your/his name in phone-

Yours: Princessa
His: Nerd Alert

Favorite Movie you guys watch-

The Losers

Your couple song- Lay me Down by Sam Smith

Song you make out to- Runnin' by Adam Lambert

PDA- He loves it because it makes the guys back off and he just loves to just do all those coupley things with you and doesn't care who see's.

They Save you- Same as your 'First Kiss'

Matching Clothes- Spider-Man suits!

Cheesy Pick-up lines-
Can I take a picture of you to prove to my friends that angels do exist.

Dirty Pick-up Lines-
Pizza is my second favorite thing to eat in bed.

TV show you watch together- Arrow

Book Series you read- Mortal Instruments

Who is jealous of your relationship- Harry Osbourne; he met you when Peter did and had a crush on you ever since.

Set it Off Song- Haunting

Part 2 coming soon.

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora