You make them a twitter account Part 2

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User: BuckyBear

Info: I love Y/N and waffles.

Profile Pic- You kissing his cheek

User: Quicklightning

Info: 😈😎😈

Profile Pic: A blue blur for when he ran.

User: ThEsCaRlEtWiTcH

Info: Badass Slovakian with powers

Profile Pic: Selfie of you and her making funny faces

User: SpiderManisAwesome

Info: This is the Amazing SpiderMan

Profile Pic: Him in his SpiderMan outfit

User: Antyantant

Info: I love giving people demented looking bunny stuffed animals....Kidding....sort of

Profile Pic: Him in his Ant Man suit fighting Falcon

User: Deadpool

Info: I love eating fucking chimichangas! And other things...

Profile Pic: Him doing a flip

User: ThefalconisBadass

Info: Is in love with Y/N and friends with Captain America

Profile Pic: Him soaring through the air

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