Civil War side your on

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Tony- Tony's

He is your boyfriend so it's kind of obvious

Steve- Neither

You love Steve but Tony is your best friend and you don't want to chose a side so your staying out of it as best as you can

Bruce- Tony's

Tony is your boyfriends best friend so....

Thor- Steve's

After the events with Ultron you sided with Steve

Natasha's- Steve's

You know how Nat and Steve are friends and your not a big fan of Tony so you went with Steve

Clint- Tony's

Your good friends with Tony and Bruce so it's kind of an obvious choice for you.

Loki- Neither

Loki wants you no where near that so he took you to Asgard until the feud is over. And he hates the both of them.

Bucky- Steve's

Not much of a shocker at all considering the circumstances this involves

Pietro- Tony's

This was hard for you because he was on Steve's side along with Wanda but Pietro isn't mad at you for choosing the side you did, he's upset, yes, but not mad at you.

Wanda- Steve's

Wanda and yourself aren't overly fond with Tony and besides Steve is nicer.

Peter- You don't know

Peter is iffy with which side to go on and so are you.

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