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Tagged by: Sleepingintosilence

I'm not tagging anyone again so if you want to do this go right ahead.

Who's your idol?
Idk I've never thought about it.

Favorite movie(s)
Phantom of the Opera (2004), Jurassic World, Ant Man, Captain America: Winter Soldier; Thor: Dark World; The Dark Knight; and Batman: Assault on Arkham

Favorite quote?
'You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.'
-Joker (The Dark Knight)

'You alone can make my song take flight.'
- Phantom (Phantom of the Opera)

Favorite season?

Elena or Katherine?

Favorite band or singer
Halsey & Black Veil Brides

One place you want to go in the future

Only child? Or siblings and how many?
2 siblings 1 brother and 1 sister both younger

Favorite writer on wattpad.
I've never thought about that either. I guess I would say _TomMarvoloRiddle_

How tall are you?

Favorite story on wattpad?
Phantom Writer (POTO fanfic)
Carnival (Draco Fanfic)
Motivation (Tom Riddle Fanfic)

Favorite shows?
Vampire Diaries; Supernatural; Teen Wolf etc

How long does it take for you to finish a book?
It depends on a lot of things. For an example whether it's completed or not.

Avengers Preferences +One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora