Tony One-Shot [20]

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You downed yet another shot. You stood up losing your balance for second.

"Woah." You slurred. Arms wrapped around you.

"Hey there Y/N." Tony slurred putting a drunken kiss on your neck. You hummed in response. "How about youuuu and I head up to my room for a little more fun?" He asked. You smirked and nodded.

The two of you stumbled up to Tony's room where you two had a wild night.


You groaned rubbing your head.

"What the hell." You mumbled. You pulled the blanket up and saw you were naked. You mumbled profanities as you looked over and saw your friend Tony Stark next to you also naked.

"Shit." You whispered. Ignoring the headache at the moment you got dressed and got the hell out of there and went off to your own room where you plopped down on your bed and past out.

3 weeks later

You threw up in the toilet the fifth time that week.

"No this can't be happening." You said to yourself bringing your knees up to your chest. You pulled out your phone and texted your best friend Wanda to pick you up a pregnancy test.

'You're pregnant?!?!' ~Wanda

'IDK yet.'~ Y/N

'I'll be there soon with the tests.'~ Wanda

'Thank you.'~ Y/N

'np.' ~ Wanda

You shoved your phone in your pocket before standing up and walking out of the bathroom.


A little bit later Wanda came by with the pregnancy tests.

You both were now waiting for the results.

"How long do I have to wait again?" You asked Wanda again.

"Y/N calm down you can check soon." She reassured you.

"What if I am pregnant?" You whispered before shaking your head. "I'm not ready to be a mom Wanda. I-I can't do this." You said as a sob escaped your lips. Wanda pulled you in for a hug.

"It will be alright Y/N. We will figure something out." She told you. Then the timer on your phone went off causing you to jump. You stood up and slowly walked back to the bathrooms to check the pregnancy tests.

All of them were positive.


After you came out of the bathroom you left your apartment.

You didn't want this baby and you sure as hell knew Tony didn't want a kid so you did the only thing you could think of to get rid of it.....abort it.

Tbh I'm against abortion that's why I didn't continue on to when it happened because it makes me uncomfortable.


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