The Dark Knight Joker & Bane Quote

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I really do love Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight series

Tony- 'I'm like a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do with it once I've caught it.' ~ Joker

Steve- 'Nobody cared who I was before I put on the mask.' ~ Bane

Bruce- 'I believe whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you stranger.' ~ Joker

Thor- 'I'm not crazy. I'm just ahead of the curb.' ~ Joker

Natasha- 'He's probably wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane.' ~ Bane

Clint- 'It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.' ~ Bane

Loki- 'Everything burns.' ~ Joker

Bucky- 'Madness as you know is like gravity, all it takes is a little...push.' ~ Joker

Pietro- 'You have nothing, nothing to threaten me with! Nothing to do with all your strength.'
~ Joker

Wanda- 'Speak of the devil, he shall appear.' ~ Bane

Peter- 'I am Gotham's reawakening.' ~ Bane

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