Winter with them includes

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Including Christmas stuff
•Staying in watching movies
• Hot chocolate with marshmallows
•Late night hot chocolate
•Chai tea
•Being lazy
•cuddling under a ton of blankets
•Christmas parties
•New Years Eve with Avengers


•Making hot chocolate
•walking in the snow to cafe's
•Picking out a Christmas tree together
•Fire place lit
•Small Christmas Eve party with close friends
•watching the snow fall
• Going to Tony's parties


•You dragging him to go out in the snow
•Making fudge
•Christmas movie marathon
•You watching him decorate the tree
•Christmas dinner together alone
•Being dragged into having a snowball fight with Tony and the avengers


•Making cookies
•You explaining what Christmas is
•Cuddling on the couch with Christmas movies
•Making a Snowman
•explaining what snowman are
•Snowball fights


•You both bundled up and taking walks in the park
•Her laughing at you slip on ice but help you.
•Diner dates
•Snow angels
•Christmas shopping
•Getting drunk at Tony's parties


•Decorating the tree together
•Him picking you up to put the star on the tree.
•Drinking coffee in the early morning watching the star fall.
•Him hosting a party
•Him starting snowball fights.
•He sucks at ice skating


•ice skating
•Him using his own ice rink with his magic
•Using his magic to make little snow flakes fall from the ceiling but disappears once it touches something
•You singing 'Do you want to build a snowman'


•Making cookies
•Him feeling bad for burning the cookies
•Snow forts!
•Blanket forts in house
•Building a snowman
•Hot cocoa
•Watching him slip on ice


•Watching horror movies because why not?
•Snow forts
•Snow ball fights
•Tracking snow into the house
•You on his back as he runs in the snow
•Christmas shopping


•Binge watching tv shows
•Hanging out with Pietro
•You getting sick


•Him being show off giving you a piggy back ride while ice skating
•Christmas movies
•Helping his aunt decorate
•Snowball fights

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