Chapter 1: leaving

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I was snuggled up beside Edward as the two of us sat on the love seat together in the corner of the living room of Edwards house. Romeo and Juliet was playing and we had just reached the part where Romeo disscovers Juliet 'dead'. I was feeling very emotional (like I aways did at tht part) and I could already feel the tears swelling up in my eyes, ready to spill out at any moment. Then, my phone buzzed in my pocket and vibrated my leg; both startling me slightly and distracting me long enough to calm down. Quickly I took it out and examined the caller ID. The name alone was enough to make me stop breathing.

"I have to take this" I said looking nervously at Edward.

"Okay" Edward said calmly, his eyes full of love, "But hurry back."

I ran into the kitchen (trying not to trip over my feet) and pressed down on the accept button on my phone. Then I held it against my ear and waited for a response.

"Hello?" I whispered into the phone.

"Bella is that you?" He spoke clearly. His voice brought back so many memories, It had been so long since I was last with him.

"Harry! Is that you. Why are you calling? You said that you would only call if..."

"Bella its time" Harry said.

"Time, time for what" I said stupidly and then realised my mistake, "Oh" I gasped once I realized what he meant. Stupid! Stupid!

"Yes Bella it's time. The Dursley's are gone and it's our birthday tomorrow. I need you to meet me at the Dursley's at 9pm."

"But Harry how do you expect me to get there?To England by 9; I'm not 17 yet, I can't use my magic."

"Don't worry, Hagrid's coming to pick you up in half an hour at your house. Make sure you have everything you need by then." Harry explained to me.

"Okay Harry. See you soon" I whispered back into the phone for the last time.

"Bye Bella" He spoke to me and before I could say something else, the line went dead.

I walked back into the living room where Edward was waiting. He was laying down on his back with his hands placed firmly under his head and was looking up at the ceiling in what looked like deep train of thought.

I tried to look calm and unsuspicious as I walked in, however I don't know exactly how well that worked.

"Hi Edward" I mumbled whilst staring into his perfect honey, golden eyes which made me swoon a little every time I looked into them. Them eyes which were now staring back into my own.

"Hi love, who was it?"

I started trembling slightly but luckily he didn't seem to notice. "Oh it was just Charlie. But he wants me home; like now. Do you mind driving me?"

"Of course love" He grinned, walking past me and picking up his keys then stopping to kiss me on the cheek. I blushed deeply at the gesture. Even at times like this he could still make me forget my own name.

He interlocked my fingers with his and guided me towards his silver Volvo. I walked towards the door but before I could open it Edward used his vampire speed to open it for me. I then sat down next to Edward in the passenger seat.

He held onto my hand and then started the car. He reversed and started driving towards Charlie's house.

I watched as the speed of the car went up. From 25 to 40 to 62 then to 70. I looked out the window and watched as the trees zoomed by.

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