Chapter 30: The begining of the story

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"Let's start 16 years ago, after our parents death Hagrid, one of our school teachers took us to our only remaining family due to Dumbledore's (our school headmaster) orders. Sadly the only family we had left was the Dursleys, my mums sister and her husband and son."

"What's so wrong with that" Esme qustioned us with curious eyes. She obviously didn't know Petunia.

"Well you see, my mum was a muggle-born which means she was a witch born into a muggle family. My aunt petunia always hated my mum because she thought that she was weird. When she took me and Harry in, she must of told her husband, Vernon, what we were and they hated us for it." I explained.

"What's a muggle?" Asked Emmett

"Oh I forgot, I'm talking to a muggle." I sighed smiling to myself, "A muggle is basically a non magical person. Like yourself." I answered simply.

No one asked anymore questions so I carried on speaking.

"So they took us in but they never really treated us like family. We were more like servants to them. You know we had to sleep in a cupboard under the stairs for 11 years" I said and Esme and Alice both gasped at my remark.

"A cupboard, they made you sleep in a cupboard!" Esme repeated in absalute horror and disgust.

I nodded; my face not showing any emotion. I didn't want them to know how I really felt about that and I didn't want to build up on the subject. "And not to mention we rarely ever got any clothes. Harry got our cousin Dursleys old clothes but they never fit because he is like 10 times the size his size. But Harry was lucky though, I got either some of my Aunt Petunias' stuff or cheap clothes from the charity shop."

"She did what? She gave you charity shop cloths! That witch!" Yelled Alice in horror, she seemed to be more thrown back at this than the fact I had to sleep in a cupboard for 11 years. Alice will be Alice though I suppose.

"Calm down Alice" I told her sharply, "Anyway so it was Dudleys 11th Birthday and like always we were woken up by him jumping on the stairs above our beds and ordered to make breakfast. Dudley was crying because he had 2 less presents that last year. And Petunia and Vernon were complaining at us. Then something wonderful happened" I exclaimed with a smile.

"What, what happened?" Asked an over excited Alice

"Mrs Figg, our neighbour, couldn't look after us after us and neither could anyone else. So we got to go to the zoo with them."

"That's the something wonderful?" Emmett said with a fallen face.

"Yes. For your information before that day I ,nor Harry, had ever gone anywhere except town or school. Plus Miss Figg was really mean; she always made us play with her cats, it owas freaky. So we went to the zoo that morning and we were looking at the reptiles. Me, Harry and Dudley were looking at this snake but Dudley got bored of it because it was doing nothing. So Dudley left and me and Harry we... well we started talking to it."

"You talked to a snake" Rosalie said reapeating what I had, giving me a look that showed she thought I was crazy.

Then again so was the rest of the family.

"Yes now be quiet. So we were talking to this snake and seemed like he could understand us. So we asked him if he could and he nodded (I mean snakes don't do that). Dudley noticed that he was moving and ran over to see him, knocking us over. So we got really angry (like any sane person would) and then when Dudley went to lean against this glass, it had vanished and Dudley fell in whilst the snake escaped. The glass then came back moments later, trapping Dudley in."

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