Chapter 25: Memories

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Jane's Pov

"Master, the human is gone" I said in a serious tone.

"Gone! Gone where?" Aro asked me worriedly.

"I- I don't know. She seemed to of just of left, the Cullens don't seem to know where she has gone either." I stuttered.

"Ah, well then we have a problem then, don't we my dear Jane" Aro said getting out of his throne and walking closer to me.

"Get Demetri and the rest of the guard" He yelled, "Find her!"

"But her mind his blocked. Demetri's power wont work against her." I reminded him. Not wanting him to do anything rash.

Not for that stupid human girl who is a risk to us all.

"Well... if that happens to be the case then I suppose we will just have to wait for her to return." Aro said reassuring me.

"But who's to say that she will return"

"Jane you saw her and Edward when they were here in Italy last fall, did you not. It is quite obvious that they can not survive long without each other. She will have to come back at some point."

"Okay master, I'll get the guard" I mummered to him and walked out of the main room to find Demetri and the rest of the guard.

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"Watch out!" Harry yelled taking out his arm and pushing Hermione back as we reached the corner of the wall. Hermione stumbled backwards into Ron's awaiting arms.

"Stupify!" Harry shouted again, shooting around the corner and stunning one of the death eaters.

"Come on" Harry whispered and I nodded to Hermione and Ron to confirm that it was safe.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Hogwarts, my second home for the past 7 years, was being destroyed. By Giants, Death Eaters, Dementors, werewolves. And even giant spiders! Ugh!

Sections of the castle were on fire and the outside walls were crumbling off.

We ran past a Giant who was attempting to crush everyone with his huge stick, but missed and was attacking the floor instead.

Everything was going well until we reached the small bridge that led across the hill and to the Boat House where we were headed. A dozen Dementors coming our way.

I got out my wand and so did everyone else. But before I got a chance to do anything, Aberforth came up behind us (Along with Ginny Seamus, Katie and Padma. Who were all standing beside him) and casted a powerful patronas which blocked us all from the Dementors.

Once they had all gone we ran in the opposite direction, down the stairs and into the small Boat House.

"Shh" I whispered getting down on to my knees to look into room through the clogged up (with dirt) glass windows.

Inside was Voldemort and Snape. Plus Nagini.

"Shh! They are in there" I mouthed and motioned for them to get down and take cover.

"This wand does not truly belong to me, does it Snape" Voldemort spoke with his snake like voice.

"Of course it does, you have performed extraordinary magic with that wand. My Lord" Snape muttered nervously.

"No, I have my performed my usually powerful magic with this wand but not extraordinary." He paused, "Snape, you know as much as I do that the elder wand only responds to those who killed its previous owner. And you are the one who killed Dumbledore, which means the wand responds to you."

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