Chapter 31: Quiditch, Trolls, Dogs and Detention

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"A weeks later it was Halloween and Ron had upset Hermione by saying that she was pushy and there was no wonder that she had no friends while she walking pass. And Hermione ran off upset into the girls bathroom.

So after yelling at Ron I followed her. She locked herself in one of the stalls and wouldn't come out. She came out about an hour later but as she did a giant troll came strolling in with Ron and Harry following.

We ran into the stalls but the troll knocked all the tops of them with his club so we ran under the sink while Harry and Ron began throwing pieces of broken toilet at him.

I ran out to help them but the troll picked Harry up by the leg. So then I started yelling at him to put him down out he also picked me up as well. I kept yelling for him to put me down until he finally dropped me. Ron did the Wingardium leviosa spell with a little help from Hermione.

The spell makes things levitate and he used on his club and dropped it on his head and knocked him out. Professor McGonagall and a bunch of other teachers came running in. Hermione told them that it was all her fault and that she had gone looking for the troll in hopes to take care of it.

Professor McGonagall took away 5 points from her but gave the 3 of us 50. After that moment we became best friends.

So then after countless training and Quiditch training, it was finally our first Quitich game and I was so scared. So we went outside and started flying and got into position and miss Hooch blew the whistle to start the game. It was all going fine Gryffindor were winning and me and Fred we keeping the Bludger away from our team. Then the Slytherins started cheating. One of them hit Wood with the Bludger and knocking him onto the floor so now we had no keeper. They we basically cheating their way through the game.

Then I saw Harry, he was on his broom being thrown around and I knew it was his doing. I've seen Harry on his broom and he's great at control. So because there wasn't a Bludger around I went over to him. Well I started to, before I could get there my broom started going crazy as well but I managed to keep control of it. My broom finally stopped but Harry was hanging onto his but I left him to deal with it because I knew that he would be able to deal with it. He did. Then Harry managed to find the snitch so it was between him and the Slytherin seeker. But Harry was to good and the other keeper pulled away to soon. Harry fell off his broom and it looked like he was going to be sick. Then out of his mouth came the snitch. We won!"

"Wow Bella has actually won at a sport before" Emmett laughed

"Hahaha, very funny Emmett" I said coldly turning away from him.

"Anyway so after the night of celebrations, the next day Hermione and Ron told us that it was Snape who was doing that to our brooms.

We were on our way to our common room but the stairs starting moving onto the third corridor. We weren't allowed on the third corridor.

So we had no idea where we were so we went through a random door but we saw Mrs Norris, Mr Flinch's cat, and we knew that is she saw us he would tell Flinch. So we ran to the door but it was locked so Hermione did a spell to unlock it. Thought on the other side was a giant dog with three heads. We ran! We ran all the way back to the common room where Hermione, being the only one who noticed, told us that the dog must have been protecting something because he was standing over a door.

Later that day we were back on the grounds and we were discussing what had happened on the Quiditch game when Hagrid came over. We told him that we thought that Snape was trying to steal something and that what ever it was, was being guarded by the dog.

The dog is called Fluffy and Hagrid gave Dumbledore the dog when hiding the.... And then he stopped there. Nothing interesting really happened after that but a few weeks later we were at Hagrid's Hut when we saw that he had a baby dragon egg.

The egg hatched and he called it Herbert. He told us more things about Fluffy and how he falls asleep when listening to music, that he won the dragon off a man when down at the pub.

And that Nicholas Flamel... and then he stopped once he realised that he had said to much.

Then we saw that Draco was standing outside his window and we figured that he was going to tell someone that we were staying out on the grounds past curfew so we ran in trying to beat him but by the time we ran in him and professor McGonagall were already waiting for us.

She took 15 points off of all of us and gave the 5 of us detention.

Me, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco all in the forbidden forest with Hagrid. Ron, Hermione went with Hagrid and me, Harry, Draco and Hagrid's dog went off on our.

Them we saw this terrifying creature wearing a black cloak. He came to attack us and the Draco ran away leaving us to fend for ourselves. Then as he got closer our scars started burning. When we thought that it was over another creature jumped out and attacked him making him run off. It was a centaur. He took us back to Hagrid and everyone else. Hagrid found a dead unicorn..."

"Unicorn!" Emmett yelled, "They're real."

"Yes Emmett, now shut up." I told him

"So anyway... Hagrid found a dead unicorn and told us that who ever drank the blood of a unicorn would live a half cursed life yet it would keep you alive. Even if you were seconds away from death."

"Why would anyone want to kill a beautiful creature and live a half cursed life?" Asked Esme.

"Some people are just like that." I answered, "So after that we were allowed back into the castle. We were still trying to find out who Nicholas Flamel was and yet thought I wasn't sure who he was the name sounded familiar. A few weeks later it was Christmas break and some people were leaving over Christmas break. Hermione was leaving but Ron and us were staying. The next day it was Christmas and we woke up and opened our present. I actually had presents. Me and Harry did get a strange present though. Harry got a cloak and I got the necklace..."

"What's so strange about that?" Asked Alice.

"Well if you'd let me finish then I could tell you that. So the thing is they had no names on. Harry's said 'this was left to me by your fathers position to give to you at the right time' my said the same thing but instead of father it was mother. When Harry put the cloak on half his body vanished. It was a invisibility cloak. I put on my necklace and wished that I could do that when Ron told me that I had disappeared. My necklace did the same thing yet in ways mine was better."

"Why?" Asked Rosalie

"Because for starters I don't have to carry mine around and have the risk of loosing it, secondly because anyone can use Harry's only people with a good soul can use mine." I said standing up, "Which reminds me"

"What are you doing?" Edward questioned me as I took of my necklace and put it in his had

"Well you have always said that you don't think that you have a soul, so why not find out"

"Bella this is going to..." I cut him off and smiled.

"No, no. you are going to do this. Now close your eyes and think about disappearing" I ordered.

He closed is eyes and within seconds he was gone.

"Haha. Told you had a soul."

I laughed and took my necklace off of him and put it back around my neck

"Wow Bella your mom had some great taste in jewellery." Alice added.

"Anyway" I said getting back to my story, "So after opening our presents...."

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