Chapter 48: The girl in the black cape

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So that's the plan. Does everybody understand?" Aro asked all of the gaurd that was gathered in the training room.

We were making plans about the Cullens, nobody gets away from the Vultori. And nobody gets second chances. And as for that Isabella girl, i don't like her. 'Nobody should be able to get away from my power!'Nobody! I yelled to myself. I could feel the anger rising up inside of me.

And another thing, she seemed weird. Maybe there was a reason why she was un-effected by my power. Maybe she isn't as human as we all think. Maybe we have all been tricked. Played.


I knew that i shouldnt of snapped at them but i just couldn't go back there. Re-live the moments. Living through it the first time was hard enough i dont want to have to go through it again.

I wondered what part they were up to. Had we defeted the dragons yet, fought Voldemort in the Graveyard? Did they even know about the Tri- Wizard Tornumant yet?

'Just keep calm down Bella. No-one is going to think any different of you' i hope anyway. It's times like this when i need Harry. He has always managed to keep me calm.


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