Chapter 16: An unexpected day out

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Exactly one week had passed since Ron's return back to us. Hermione had been getting along better with Ron but they weren't yet perfect. Then again, when have they ever been?

We were all gathered around the table inside the tent but no one was talking; we just sat there is silence. Then suddenly from outside there was a loud crash.

We all froze.

"What was that?" I whispered, breaking the silence that lingered between us.

No one answered. So instead we slowly headed outside to investigate, being cautious. We saw nothing so we went deeper into the forest. We searched around to see if we could find anything. And that's when we heard it. From behind there was a sound of somebody walking, somebody stepping on a twig...Shoot! We didn't bother to look back as we already knew that it was something bad, so we ran.

We jumped over logs, ducked from tree branches and I didn't fall once, but the Snatchers were fast and soon caught up to us. Me and Harry swerved around a tree but hesitantly stopped as we almost ran straight into Hermione.

Then she did what I never expected, she grabbed her wand and blasted both me and Harry in the face with some spell.

I ran at the top of my speed jumping over logs, ducking branches and I didn't't even trip once. We carried on running but they were to quick for us as they soon caught up with us.

We saw them coming towards so we swerved around the tree where we found Hermione.

Then she did something I never thought she would do. She blasted me and Harry in the face with her wand. I felt my face tingle and swell up. I quickly saw my reflection in the lake.

My lips were red and they had swollen up, my face had also swelled a little and eyes gotten larger; they were also piercing green. I glanced over at Harry, his entire face was now swollen up and he looked like he had been attacked by a swarm of angry bees.

But before I had a chance to even stand up, I was dragged off the ground by the elbow by a Snatcher. He had short raggy hair, dirty ripped clothes and looked in desperate need of a showered but then again I suppose I did to.

The two Snatchers tood in the centre as they watched us carefully.

One man was holding a large scroll of paper which was full of different names scrawled across it. I wondered if my name was on it.

Of course it would be. Your Bella Potter and they are workers of Voldemort.

"Name?" The one in the middle asked while looking at Hermione

"Penelope Clearwater" Hermione lied smoothly.

"Hmm" He muttered grabbing her by the chin.

"Let her go!" Ron yelled as he struggled to get out of the Snatchers grip.

"Shut up! The man yelled, "Beautiful" He sighed glancing back over at Hermione

Then he looked back over at me and Harry with a taken back look her asked,

"What happened to you ugly?"

I had to hold back a laugh. I mean I know that it is a serious time but he does look hilarious.

Harry ignored his question and continued to say nothing and when he did the ragged man continued talking.

"Name" He instructed. Louder and more demanding this time.

"Vernon Dursley" Harry lied croakily.

"And how about you" The man asked looking over at me.

I thought for a brief second.

Should I go along the lines of Petunia Dursley and say I'm 'Vernon's sister' or should I pretend to be someone completely different. I decided to be someone different.

"Elizabeth Mason" I said thinking along the lines of Edward and his past.

I remembered him telling me on the night that he proposed. He had given me a ring that had belonged to his mother. Her name, Elizabeth Mason.

OH! And thinking about it I still hadn't told Harry about my engagement with Edward. But how had he not noticed the ring that I wore on my finger. Harry. As oblivious than ever.

I would tell him when this chaos was over, if I lived till then. And I did hope that I did.

"Check the list" He demanded the other Snatcher who quickly checked over the list but then shook his head.

"Not on the list" The man replied.

"Then what do we do with them?" Another one of them asked.

"Let's take em' back to Malfoy Manner."

Ah shit! Going to Malfoy Manner was not on the agenda today; and even with these disguised Draco was bound to recognise us and turn us in. Especially with Ron and Hermione at our sides.

Then they started dragging us to the other side of the forest. I knew that I should have fought or yelled or even tried to escape but I knew that it was impossible and that I couldn't escape even if I wanted to, I was too tired.

They carried on dragging us until we reached a white mansion closed off by a large, black gate. Malfoy Manner. It was bigger than I thought it would be.

The gates slammed open and a short time later we were being dragged through the door into the house and shoved onto the cold floor.

I looked up; standing in the room was Bellatrix Lestrange, the Snatchers that had brought us in, a few other Death Eaters that I don't know and the Malfoys. Including Draco.

Bellatrix Lestrange turned around to face us, gasped and dropped her glass of half drunken liquid on the floor with a loud clatter.

She ran over to us as fast as she could in the 4 inch heels she was wearing stopping only an inch away from where we were standing and inspected us.

"What happened to them?" She asked confused, turning to face the Snatchers who had brought us in for answers.

"Dunno, we found em like that" One of them mumbled tiredly.

"Draco" She called loudly once realising she was unlikely to ever get an answer, "Come here"

Draco slowly made his way over to where we were, nervous and fumbling with the hem of his sleeve.

"Is it them?" She asked desperately.

"Um... I'm not sure" He replied slowly and shakily.

"Look closer; if we get it wrong then the Dark Lord will have us all killed." Bellatrix encouraged.

"I don't thin-" Draco started but got interrupted by a loud scream.

"What. Is. That!" Bellatrix screamed bloody murder as she pointed towards Hermione, "Why does that filthy mudblood have my sword?!"

Wait a second, HER SWORD?! This wasn't her sword it belonged to Godrick Gryffindor! It belonged to Hogwarts.

But before anyone could do or say anything else myself, Harry and Ron were all dragged backwards towards the stairs leading down into the dungeon all while Hermione was pulled forwards by the hair by a lithering Bellatrix. Once inside the dungeon the heavy metal doors slammed shut behind us. Leaving Hermione all alone with the crazy bitch.

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