Chapter 4: The flight

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On three, the bike lifted from off the ground and into the air; flying above Mad-eye who ducked just in time to miss being hit by it. The night air was chilly and the force we were flying at caused the cold wind to blow my hair back. Creating tons of little nots in my hair.

I looked over to my left where Harry was sitting and just through the cloud of darkness I managed to see Moody flying past us on his broom. The bike turned slightly left and when it did there was a loud crash of thunder. Suddenly, as we moved away from the cloud, the yelling began. Loud, yet distant, and also sounding very angry.

And then we saw it. Wating in front of us was hundreds of Death eaters. They flew forwards and started throwing spells at every one and in every direction.

"Hagrid we have to help the others" I screamed frantically. Leaning over so that I was closer to his ear.

"Can't do that Bella, Mad-eye's orders" Hagrid replied looking me in the eye.

He pressed a small button on the front of the bike and flames erupted from behind us making us go at least 5x faster. We shot forwards towards the ground. A bunch of death eaters following on our trail end.

With a loud crash we collided with the ground floor and Hagrid started driving just as fast while dodging cars.

"Hang on!" He yelled caution to us both.

"Stupify!" I screamed, turning around and pointing at a Death eater who then fell off their broom and down onto the road.

They continued to throw spells at us and Hagrid continued to dodge them. Suddenly one of the Death eaters casted a spell that hit the van that was driving infront of us. Me and Harry watched in horror as the van crashed and toppled over.

Hagrid turned the bike to the right so that we were now driving on the wrong side of the road.

Cars continued to stop and crash as they tried to dodge us and the Death eaters.

"Hang on!" Hagrid yelled as two busses came driving in our direction. Quickly I gripped onto the side of the seat as Hagrid drove up the side of the wall and then to the top. So we were now hanging off the bike as Hagrid drove upside down. I wasn't aware that he meant in a literal term.

After we passed the two busses Hagrid then drove the bike back on the ground. We passed more cars when suddenly a Death eater came from behind us and hit Hagrid with a spell knocking him unconscious.

"Hagrid!" We both yelled as his head hit the handle bars.

We grabbed onto one handle each and attempted to steer the bike while watching out for upcoming spells. We hurled the bike upwards and it left the floor once more. We flew high up trying to move past the Death eaters. Then a familiar snow white owl came flying towards us. Hedwig!

Hedwig flew behind us and forwards onto a Death eater. She clawed one of them and then flew back around again. Then horror struck, as a bright, green, blinding light hit her.

There was a silent hoot. And then compelte silence. We watched in horror as she fell thousands of feet from the air.

"No" Harry screamed as he watched his owl die right before his eyes. A single tear slid from my eye.

As the death eater vanished, me and Harry carried on driving; when a second later my scar began burning deeply. I cried out in pain; as did Harry. The pain carried on and the time came when we just couldn't take it any more so we layed our heads on the bike bars and suffered in silence. Then, a familiar feeling entered my mind as my right arm twitched. I lifted my arm and shot it out. At the same time as Harry did. On the other side came a colour blast from some one I could recognize any where. Voldemort.

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