Chapter 89: One final time

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"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Edward asked, his wide eyes staring into my own.

I nodded frantically, my grip on the ruby red stone tightening.

He nodded in response to my nonverbal answer, "I love you." Then pulled me into a tight hug, I let my head roll on his shoulder.

His embrace always managed to calm me down.

"I love you too," I mumbled. Then, a second later, he left the room leaving me alone like I had wanted. The silence felt suffocating.

I decided that I was going to say my final goodbyes to Harry, seeing that I never had the chance to.

After I had come back home from St Mungo's that day I was a blubbering mess. Not only had I lost my brother, but my sister too and all in the same day.

I held the ruby stone up to my chest, holding it close to my heart.

One minute I was looking at the picture coated wall and then the next I was looking at the ghostly figure of my brother. Except he wasn't old like the last time I had seen him, instead he was seventeen again; looking exactly like he had done all those years ago.

"Harry!" I exclaimed. Eyes widening and a hopeful grin forming.

It was strange to see him this way, after all it had been a while, but there was also something very comforting about it; about the way he looked now. It was how he looked through my entire childhood, through all the bad times. And now it looked as though no time had passed and we were just back to being Bella and Harry. No strings attached.

"Hello Bella," Harry replied, equally as enthusiastic.

"I've- I've missed you." I muttered whilst the venom ran to my eyes, "How is it? There? With them?"

"I'm very happy here; life with Mum and Dad. Lupin and Sirius, it's great." He grinned. There was something about it that seemed to carefree and jolly.

Part of me was envious. He got to have the life neither of us had gotten to have whilst kids. He got to spend time with our parents and make up for lost time.

Maybe this is what Rosalie felt like...

Before I had the chance to say what I was going to, Harry cut in.

"They miss you too Bella; they said Renesmee seems amazing and they would love to meet her in person."

And I wish more than anything they could meet their granddaughter...

"They've been watching over. We all have."

I looked back up at Harry, "What about the others?"

"Well let's just say Fred and George were very happy to be reunited." He chuckled looking as though he was thinking back at a happy memory, "Mrs Weasly was very glad to have all her children back under one roof."

"And what about Ron and Hermione?" I asked regarding our best friends.

"They miss you; Hermione especially."

"Figures," I muttered under my breath.

"But they're happy together."

Well, that was good news at least. It helped rest my mind to know they were happy in their afterlife.

"Well I'm glad." I nodded truthfully.

My family was all happy and that's what mattered most. They were watching over us and hopefully, knew I cared.

"The kids are fine, as are the grandkids. And the great grandkids." Harry's eyes widened at the sound of his children, "Damn Harry I feel old." Harry snickered.

"Well you don't look it."

"Well, neither do you." I motioned to himself, "So how does that work in... Heaven? Do you get to choose how you end up? Or is this just a communication thing?" I was generally curious. I had witnessed lots of supernatural things in my life but never things such as this.

"I suppose it's just the age you felt most comfortable and happy as." Harry shrugged, "I've never really thought about it that much."

Glancing over at the clock I noticed it had been a little over an hour since we started talking. Much to my dismay, I knew that I was going to have to cut this conversation soon. Even if the thought of being away from my brother again pained me.

Harry noticed my discomfort like the caring big brother he had always been,

"Don't worry. I'll be with you always." He smirked.

"Always and forever," I smiled back.

And for that short period of time, everything felt right with the world.

The end

I want to thank everybody who read this story and voted for it.

Again RIP to Alan Rickman. #ALWAYS

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